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Fireactions is configured using a YAML file. The default configuration file is located at /etc/fireactions/config.yaml.

You can also specify a custom configuration file using the --config flag when starting the Fireactions server.

Example configuration file with all available options:

# The address to listen on for HTTP requests.
# Default: :8080

# Enable basic authentication.
# Default: false
basic_auth_enabled: true

# Map of basic authentication users. The key is the username and the value is the password. Valid only when `basic_auth_enabled` is true.
# Default: {}
  user1: password1
  user2: password2

# Enable debug mode.
# Default: false
debug: false

# Metrics server configuration. This is used to expose Prometheus metrics on endpoint `/metrics`.
  # Enable Prometheus metrics.
  enabled: true

  # The address to listen on for HTTP requests.

# GitHub configuration.
  # The GitHub App private key. This is used to authenticate with GitHub.
  # Default: ""
  app_private_key: |
  # The GitHub App ID.
  # Default: 0
  app_id: 12345

# Pools configuration.
  # The name of the pool.
- name: fireactions-2vcpu-2gb
  # The maximum number of GitHub runners that can be created in the pool.
  # Required: true
  max_runners: 20
  # The minimum number of GitHub runners that should be running in the pool.
  # Required: true
  min_runners: 10
  # GitHub runner configuration.
    # The name of the GitHub runner. This is used to identify the runner in GitHub and is suffixed with a unique identifier.
    # Required: true
    name: fireactions-2vcpu-2gb
    # Container image to use for the Firecracker VM as the root device.
    # Required: true
    # The pull policy for the container image. Can be one of: Always, IfNotPresent, Never.
    # Required: true
    image_pull_policy: IfNotPresent
    # GitHub runner group ID. 1 is the default group.
    # Required: true
    group_id: 1
    # Organization name.
    # Required: true
    organization: hostinger
    # Labels to apply to the GitHub runner.
    # Required: true
    - self-hosted
    - fireactions-2vcpu-2gb
    - fireactions
  # Firecracker configuration.
    # The path to the Firecracker binary.
    # Default: firecracker
    binary_path: firecracker
    # The path to the kernel image.
    # Required: true
    kernel_image_path: /var/lib/fireactions/vmlinux
    # Kernel command line arguments.
    # Default: "console=ttyS0 noapic reboot=k panic=1 pci=off nomodules rw"
    kernel_args: "console=ttyS0 noapic reboot=k panic=1 pci=off nomodules rw"
    # Firecracker machine configuration.
    # Required: true
      # The amount of memory in MiB.
      # Required: true
      mem_size_mib: 2048
      # The number of vCPUs.
      # Required: true
      vcpu_count: 2
    # Metadata to pass to the Firecracker VM via MMDS.
    # Default: {}
      example1: value1
      example2: value2

# Log level. Can be one of: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic, trace.
# Default: info
log_level: debug